Fotografieren lernen in Berlin

Wolfgang Tillmans

Traversing the two main galleries is a sculptural display structure made of four different building-site planks, which take the artist’s interest in horizontal displays to a new distinct direction. These displays expose the exhibits laid unprotected on top, emphasizing the purity of their material presence. The leporello offset-prints and laser-prints Tillmans made for this installation are present as much as sculptural paper objects as carriers of imagery and media of information.
Punctuating the exhibition are Tillmans’s Lighter works, which negotiate fundamental aspects of photographic image-making as they address the distribution of light and the distribution of space onto a given surface of paper. These folded chromogenic prints, which depict their own three-dimensional shape through shades and gradations of color, are the result of their own three-dimensional materiality exposed to light in the darkroom. (aus dem Ankündigungstext) Eintritt frei Galerie Bucholz bis 15.Juni

build from here 2024er Album von Tillmans

Tillmans ist in der laufenden Tagesspiegel-Serie zu 100 BerlinerInnen kurz charakterisiert unter der Überschrift ‘spannende und einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten, die die Hauptstadt kreativ bewegen’

Foto: summer storm rain drops freeze frame © Wolfgang Tillmans